24 Mar '24

Optimizing your React application for the Interaction to Next Paint (INP) Web Vitals metric.
12 min read
I believe is key to
becoming an expert.
Bruno Kawka
Frontend Engineer @Upside
Optimizing your React application for the Interaction to Next Paint (INP) Web Vitals metric.
In March, Google released a new Core Web Vital called Interaction to Next Paint (INP). It measures the speed of interactions with the website. In this article, you’ll learn more about INP from the developer’s perspective. I’ll guide you through testing for INP, verifying potential causes of low INP scores, and how you can leverage new React tools to optimize your website for recent changes.
My Google Code-in 2018 adventure with Mifos Initiative as a Grand Prize Winner
Over 3000 students from 77 countries completed 15323 tasks with 27 open source organizations. The 54 Grand Prize Winners from 19 countries won a trip to a Google HQ in San Francisco.
Rethinking UI building strategies @ SFI '24
Building UI that scales is hard. In this talk, we'll navigate through practical strategies for structuring React components and business logic. Additionally, we'll introduce alternative approaches, pushing the boundaries of modern front-end architecture.
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